I have decided my yo girl needs bound feet.
I decided this before even buying her last year, but for one reason or another, I was never able to really make any progress on accomplishing this.
Until now
As of this moment I have made rough models of the future feet out of very hard tinfoil balls. Why foil? Its easy to shape and doesn't require baking like the unreliable and varying sculpey. My sculpey models came out warped in unpredictable ways and didn't shrink as much as we anticipated..
I have also taken the new rough models and made molds out of them using this liquid mold putty rubber stuff. I then sliced the bottom of the mold open and dug out the bits of foil.
So now I have molds for feet.
I need to get to this craft store but its too far away and I don't remember how to get there. They carry the two part liquid resin I need for casting. (I'm going to dye it with paint by mixing it with the resin before i mix the parts together)
If I don't get out there soon I'm just ordering it online.
Yay for new feet!
A yo foot is normally 3 1/2 cm long. The new ones will be a mere 2cm long.
Picture of a rough. It was reshaped slightly before the mold was created: