So, my birthday coming and going and I haven't really done anything yet. Part of this is based around me waiting for my mother's gifts. Those UPS guys are unpredictable and will quickly leave if you don't rush to the door in a frenzy. But they came before 5 (thank god) and I was there to get it. Anyway, based on the contents of said packages, it's going to be a very Brooksie month (hence icon). I'll probably jump into Barry Paris' Brooks biography the moment I finish with this. Oh...there will also be tons of Cowboy Bebop nostalgia. And the sad sounds of a girl who has forgotten how to read a graphic novel that isn't in right to left format. Mom was very generous this year.
As for the rest of the day, I know that the boyfriend and me are going to dinner. After that, I haven't a clue. We'll probably just wing it.
I had intended to do
31_days this month. I have obviously really botched that up. In any case, I want to get a bit written this month. I'm going to commit a certain amount of tomorrow to finishing a Seishirou/Subaru one-shot that I've been mulling over/starting and stopping for at least two months. And then I'll finish my
30_kisses fic before the third week of the month. Or something. I hate planning things out too far ahead. It makes things all the more sad when you don't follow through.
It's kind of sad: I spent too much birthday time cleaning my apartment. But the ickiness was killing me and I had to do something about it. That cats, at the very least, enjoy the extra room to chase each other in. And isn't that what matters in the end?