I think I may go to sleep now.

Feb 08, 2008 21:31

Tired. Went into the city for the first time today; was kind of late to my school. Visiting a Charter School in center-city Philly, didn't get lost on the train. Should really type up my observations. Don't want to, yet. I'll do it tomorrow - maybe during the uberlang bus ride to Dickinson. Probably swimming the 500 against Lauren Letko tomorrow - the one person I've ever tied in an event (down to the hundreth of a second). My honor as a distance swimmer will be dead if I let her beat me. Huzza.

I think Jonathon Strange & mr. Norrell will come with me tomorrow. Probably also Finn. Maybe I'll get inspired and work on my NANO. A couple of my friends and I have decided to do a reading/book club. Should be fun. If it happens. Also would look shiny on a resume. To start an official club, that is. We're starting with the Metamorphosis. After that... probably fantasy. Any recommendations?

Just realized that I missed large group for SCF. 'tis sad. Still haven't fenced since I came back. Also sad. Or gone to swing. Need to keep myself together - need to go to the things I want to go to. Yes.

(May you all be more coherent than I am)

swing, nano, book club, philly, scf, book, 500, fencing, education, swimming

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