Jan 25, 2008 20:13
Butterfly. Rajaton. youtube it. Sonya, it reminds me of the Collage butterfly poem you had. But to music. tis pretty.
Stand in the Rain. Superchick. the style I really really like. though... just realized that I have next to no Superchick on Finn. Very sad.
Ruf' doch mal an is also entertaining. German acappella liek woah.
In other news: I think I'm suitably entertaining my spec. Contra dance tonight! *so exhausted, already* I had an epic search for an engin book last night; frazzled and woke up at 4 am, then up at 7:45 for my engin class (and my alarm didn't go off - my spec's did - so I woke up to "not going to write you a love song" - which was the official song for Puerto Rico)
Posfe, I miss you.
(my chain mail excites awe among swatties. ...highly tempted to go visit the ringlord, did you say it was? and invest in some funfulness)
early mornings = bleargh,
a cappella,