Random feeling of the day:
I don't want to be doing anything with other people right now, but I do wish that I had someone to do nothing with. (Who would leave me to my reread of Mirror Sight, but be in the same room, maybe, curled up at the end of the bed doing whatever.)
Playing around with HabitRPG, which a friend pointed out to me. I am now level 2 at getting stuff done :D
Got back into making: large bowl, smallish pitcher, fun texture work on both with the handy-dandy wheel of awesome that spins and digs in all the way around, so that texture is a) easy and b) even.
Slowly learning this choreo - teaching in August with Mary. We took some time to go through terminology we want to use to teach it, and most of it has real names, and then there's the 'lick hiss' which... doesn't.
(The old-timey-dancer the choreo is named after is super sultry and occasionally (most of the time) super raunchy. We hesitate to put videos of her up, though she is beautiful.)
Click to view
Also, there are mice all over the apartment, but in my room. There is no food here, mouses. Go away.