WHOOOOOSCHOOL and more links

Sep 07, 2012 20:35

Of my kids that showed, they were good.  Relatively quiet, attentive, willing to twist their brains around the riddles I gave them.
My homeroom is 20 7th graders.  One doesn't talk.  (selective mutism) But he does communicate well.
11 came in today (friday + first day of school + half day).
The boys are so short!
One of the girls is taller than me.

Guh.  I hate droning on about rules.  But honestly, if droning on about rules means that we can do experiments and no one dies, that's good.  Arglebargle, though.

And the district handed me a laptop today.  MacBook, at least a couple years newer than Finn.  I think it's a she.  Need a name.

Also need a name for the skeleton.

I can get on my district email now (yay) but I can't get onto the gradebook yet (boo).  The program sends me in a loop.  Grr.

I have spent most of my time since coming home looking at the pretties here:  http://www.thisiscolossal.com/

 just figured out that I can probably not do multiple exposure photos with either Friede or Ananda (Canon doesn't really support it, I guess) but have decided that they are quite cool and I want to play with them.

(For when I finally convince Finn to eat my photoshop discs:  http://www.msjphotography.com/index.php/2010/07/photoshop-workbench-236-canon-multiple-exposure-script/ )

And I think I may buy these shoes:   http://www.dancestore.com/CLEARANCE-Aris-Allen-Brown-Canvas-Loafer/productinfo/190-BR/  A little wary of the sizing - my Aris Allens are an 8.5, fit perfectly, and are the most comfy heels ever.  If you care - these ones.  And so having to adjust sizing is meh.  But they have a 9, which will probably fit?  And $20 for Aris Allens is insane.  And I could probably dance as well as teach in them.  So.  Good stuff.  Do not really need shoes.  But still.

(Being indecisive about shoes is so much better than being indecisive about ANYTHING else because honestly who cares?)

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