Nano is happening! I was hoping to hit 10k last night, but forgot to check the train schedule, so didn't come back in until 12:30 or so.
Got to go out to Swat to see Company put on by some of the underclassmen I know - it was well done, though the mike levels were a little off sometimes. The girl who sang the Not-getting-married-today song stole the show. She's a great crazy character.
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So the apartment dressed up and went out... to college. It was a little silly, but a lot of fun, both to hang out with the apartment as a whole (seems the time that that happens most often is when we're hanging out in front of the tv set, ehh) and to get to see my little swatties.
Evidently there was drama behind the casting - the girl who produced Company was the second choice for Penny for Dr. Horrible, and she knows that, somehow?, and thus refused to cast anyone who got a part in Sirkka's Dr. Horrible.
Yesterday I went on a cleaning spree when I woke up, which I do so much more here than I've ever done before in my life -- granted, we've never had so many dishes before. Or a common room that got random stuff spewed all over it. So I clean common areas, and then go back to my room, and that's a mess too, so I clean that as well. Yay, cleaning. (All I know is that I may need to take my Mommy up on another bottle of windex come Christmastime...)
Blues Muse was fantastic. the choreography they taught us; I have to say that shoulder circles + knocking knees feels like it falls into the same category as patting your head and rubbing your stomach. The rest of it wasn't too hard, though. (I'm in the waaaaay back. Sloan was nice enough to take the video for me.)
I think that we're finally free of the bedbugs. Which makes everyone a little happier, seeing as washing and bagging and drying and bagging and rewashing and redrying and rebagging is both obnoxious and expensive, when our washers and dryers are each $1.50 a load.
I floated through all of last week without lesson plans. Oops. Nano took precedence, and then I just never got around to it. Means I have to do two sets, one retroactive, this week, though. Love my kids, love my coworkers. And class last week (I'm taking a class that I guess was originally through Head Start, but is basically an OMGOBESITY class) was a lot of fun. Basically, the main focus of the class is getting kids to move. And we get them to move by singing silly songs. And when we sing silly songs, sometimes we dance. (Scratch that. There is always dancing.) And sometimes when we dance, we're pulled out of the group and told to lead the song. (It was fun. I got pulled out because I was doing solo jazz stuff. :D Yay, lindy!)
Hrm. Nano. It should get posted, probably, but my storyline is so much more disjointed than usual, and I seem to have just found my stride - so the first 10 pages or so should probably just be burnt until I figure out how to fix them. Anyone else doing nano?
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