Les Sentiers

Jul 02, 2010 17:30

 Well, first there was the travel difficulties... Left Rome by plane (easyjet is wonderful) and got to Lyon on time, everything was happy.  (Allison 1, travel 0).  And then I went to the Lyon train station lady and she pointed out that my tickets were good for the 29th - of NEXT month.  (Allison 1, Travel 1).  She then figured out a way that I could get to Rodez before next month, and printed out new tickets for me (Allison 2, Travel 1).  I then had to take a bus to Lyon Part Duex, which cost me yet more money (Allison 2, Travel 2).  Eventually found the train station, got on my train, and it was 1/2 hr late coming in... which was not really a problem; I had an hour to connect.  But the train I was supposed to connect to was a grand total of 2 hours late (Allison 2, Travel 3) which meant that I was kind of bored, running out of batteries on my ipod, camera, cell phone, and computer, with no easily accessible reading material (Allison 2, Travel 4).  When the train finally made it to the station, it was met by 12 armed - we're talking machine guns - cops, train station patrolment, and assorted people in camo.  They busted on the train (not letting us anywhere near it) and came out with a guy in handcuffs, making us even later (Allison 2, Travel 5).  I knew getting on my train that I wouldn't make my connection.  However, took the train to Toulouse (Allison 3, Travel 5) and got in line to ask somebody what I should do.  They - very nicely - told me that there wouldn't be another train to Rodez that night.  (Allison 3, Travel 6).  Booked me into a hotel (expensive!  very nice, but I just wanted to get there! - Allison 3, Travel 7) and I took the early morning train to Rodez; got driven to Les Sentiers by a very polite cabbie (Allison 5, Travel 7)

Meh.  Travel drama.  So we've spent the past 2 days teaching the newbies (the site director, her husband the assistant director, one of the french counselors, and I are the only "veterans" on a 12 person team) the rules, what stuff meant, etc and unpacking lots of boxes to turn this place into American village rather than some cutesy bed and breakfast.

Because it really is - old, and occasionally a little rickety, but they have all the space we need, as well as a zoo out back - horses, dogs, kangaroos, ducks, a peacock - and a swimming pool.  (Which is the perfect temperature, in case you were wondering, but none of us have a french guarding cert, so no one can use it once the kids get here.  Sad)  I'm sharing a room with 2 other counselors - Sooz and Frizzle - both of whom are very cool.

Our congress (assembly, where we do all sorts of ridiculous things) is/was a church.  stained glass and everything.  it seems mildly sacrilegious, but we did make everything fit, and have plans for the next few days.  so it should be good!

first batch of kiddies tomorrow; we have them for 13 days.  let's see how this goes!  

amvil, counselors, transporation, france

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