Once again the world shifts

Oct 03, 2009 13:37

 I do sincerely hope that the women's team steps up.  I had a spec, because Sue went hysterical-email and no one else volunteered to host.  She was actually really nice, and laid-back, and low-maintenance, so it wasn't as obnoxious an experience as it could have been, but still.

Last night I wandered down to Rose Tattoo Cafe a) because I had a spec and b) because I knew a couple of people who were playing.  Only one of the groups was into indiscriminate profanity, which was good.  And the music of most of them was awesome.  I have a bad habit of standing around with my eyes glazed over when a cello is playing along to a rock song.  So pretty.

This morning we had practice at 8:30 (bad plan, Sue, bad plan -- though better than your original plan, which was 8) which started with yoga.  I don't do yoga - I'm not that bendy, and I don't have enough strength in my wrists to pick up my entire body.  So it was interesting, but painful.  And then practice itself, where I further destroyed my shoulders with another 500 fly.

We wandered down to Nifty Fifties, a cute little diner place with ridiculously good milkshakes, and now I've been lying on my bed, trying to force myself to start work.  So tired.

But:  I don't have to entertain anyone for the rest of the day other than me and I have fish made for the hunt (recruited the swimmers to help out) and I need to study.  So I'm going to use this nice block of time.

The hunt went well.  The vibes seemed to be a little off, but I had fun creeping people out by offering them cookies in my little-girl voice and them not knowing if the cookies were poison or what.  (Got a lot of compliments on the cookies, almost exclusively made with Sharples ingredients).  Made my way through all the info for E59 - which I'm probably taking Tuesday night - and need to study 35 (W morning, though it's open-book).

Going dancing tomorrow afternoon; I may end up working on my tree painting beforehand.  That painting is currently fail-worthy.

I just got done talking with Naomi.  She came in crying - her Dad has been almost certainly diagnosed with cancer.  I NEED A WAY TO HELP.  HELP, I TELL YOU, NOT JUST EMPATHIZE.  I DON'T WANT TO HURT FOR PEOPLE.  I WANT TO BE ABLE TO HELP PEOPLE FEEL BETTER.

We had a decent conversation - ranging from the boys my year who may-or-may-not quit swimming, to why we're swimming right now, to boys in general, and issues we're having with the semester.  I made her a cup of tea.

(And yet, as much as I'd like it to, tea does not solve this sort of problem.)

cookies, scifi, baking, spec, music, practice, tea, food, swimming

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