I have pictures from my walk with mum (yay walks!),sorry if these come out really huge!
Polly!It was really hard to get a good angle with her,so these pictures are appalling.
And even closer.Isn't she lovely?
A random group of flowers in my garden. :)
My garden.As you can see,there is a crazy amount of decking and stuff...Steve gets bored I think.
And the first of many trees!This is the woody area right next to a field,I always choose it over the field-pathway.
Mum and a tree.She's pointing to a squirrel,which I missed,grr!
I love this,it's a natural archway.The picture really doesn't do it justice.
Through a gap, the field I could've walked through. :D
As you can see,typical british weather. :) I think this is a different field,but I lost track by this point...
I'm sure you don't need to be told this is yet another tree.
A really gorgeous shade of death! :)
This didn't come out well but look,a flutterby!
... :) I know you're all thinking the same quote I did as I saw this...
Very bad picture.I didn't like it,one horse had its head totally covered and seemed out of it, the other had almost like a hea-dress over its eyes.All 3 seemed so fornlorn. :(
I also saw a field-mouse hopping around <333
So randomly had a powercut for about 3 minutes a short while ago.Don't worry Jess,it's obviously back and lost will be taped for you when you return. :D