My seminar tutors are ridiculously nice to me, especially considering I don't contribute to their classes. (I've rarely had time to read the book, it'd be a bit difficult...) My 19th century lit tutor has given me til Monday for my non-assessed essay, as has the 18th century guy. I feel quite guilty for being such a rubbish English student, as they are just such lovely men. But seriously, these books. I have to read The Woman In White this week, oh good god no. It's about 700 pages long! If I don't manage it, I can at least fall back on my musical knowledge. Even though I've only even listened to the first disc, 2 years ago...
I have gotten ridiculously obsessed with Hugh Laurie/A Bit Of Fry And Laurie. I do this quite often, I'll latch onto something and learn everything there is to know about it, then it'll wane and I'll move on to something else. :D It's definitely going on my Christmas list. :)
Did anyone else get caught in that downpour yesterday? Me and Alice did. Had I been on my own it would have been terribly depressing, but as it was, it was just funny. :D She sat in on my rehearsal with Gemma, hope we weren't too boring Aliiice! After that I lured Gemma into Cafe Mondial as I couldn't face 2 whole hours of sitting in the HumSS foyer. We saw a man that looked EXACTLY like Sylar from Heroes. o.0 Then I had a second rehersal and all was bonny. Except the terrifying weather. Luckily Mader was on campus ( a play? at 9pm...why?) so she gave me, Tom and Jenny a lift back, and we played on Tall Dan!'s Wii for about an hour, killing rabbits. This paragraph makes very little sense, I apologise.
...I'll leave you with my current favourite youtube link. Hugh and Stephen for the win.
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