Feb 15, 2007 00:51
I really should be asleep right now. Unfortunately, I've fucked up my sleeping patterns due to waking up at 5pm this evening. I'm always either tired or hungry recently, it's VERY annoying. Though the hungry can be explained away by me regularly skipping meals...
Someone is playing music. Well, I say music. All I can hear is a POOR base-line. It mockingly just stopped for a few seconds, then started again. I weep for humanity.
I have no bread left. DAMMIT. Well, I did manage to make that bread last a month in the freezer, so I guess it had to run out eventually. Still though...I need nourishment for my Augustan Rome seminar tomorrow! It's all...love-poetry-ish. Though luckily, the first poem by Propertius is one half of the 2 extracts I have to write about in my non-assessed essay due Friday. So hopefully, we'll go over it and I can theive some answers. I've done 419/1100 words (I know, how shit is that?) and will have to finish it at some point tomorrow. Meeeh...Maybe I'll write 100 or so words less. The question IS particularly rubbish. It's the first verse of that Propertius poem, and the first 12 lines or so of Book 4 of The Aeneid. We have to talk about whether they express romantic love, what sense of love does it show etc. That isn't...really related to Classics, is it? Except for the extracts themselves, the question is so run-of-the-mill. But the other one is about scary republic things that I am not at all sure about. I've rambled about Dido's destructive love, we'll see how far I get with that...
I also have 3 English essays due next week. This is most unfortunate, especially as I'm missing the What Kind Of Text essay. o.0 The lovely Simon Flynn said we can hand ours in during week 7, so I might just do that, maybe. My main problem is that one of these is due on Tuesday and I'm going home for the weekend...
YAY Cambridge! I am really getting excited about it now. The plan is to go to Greek Myths (I am sad I missed the first monsters lecture, monsters are great fun!) , get ready, meet up with Sophie, get the 1:30pm train to Paddington and hopefully navigate our way through the tubes to King Cross, then get a train to Cambridge, arriving around 3:30pm. Then we hopefully will meet Reuben and go to Clowns. Oh Clowns, how I have missed you. SUWARD, are you still free on Saturday? *Hopes*.
I'm going to attempt to go to sleep and NOT wake up in the middle of the night boiling hot, wake up early (well, 9am), wash my hair and attempt some more essay. Maybe. I haven't been to any lectures or seminars this week, despite only having Classics. I *suck*. o.0
ETA GRR, enraged at myself. I couldn't sleep until 4:30am, and although I wrote about 200 more wrds in that time, I didn't wake up until 12pm, so I missed my important seminar. I really am rubbish lately. :(
augustan rome,
roman love poetry,
coming home,
food issues,
the aeneid,
sleep issues