End of the Drama Llama-ing

Dec 21, 2010 02:41


Since many of the people I used to associate with have either moved away, had children, gotten married or are so shallow that they refuse to speak to me for inane, high-school reasons, I've decided to do this.


I am 26 years old and I don't care. Your drama is meaningless to me. If I can't do something, because it is either out of my control, I have something else that's more important (like work, school or a gig), or I don't have enough money, I'm not gonna do it. I don't have to explain myself to you; you're not my S.O. and you're not my parent. School and job trumps about anything fun or entertainment-wise... So, if I have finals and six papers to write, I'm not going to be going anywhere or doing anything until they're all done.


If I have a gig to get to, and I need to go back home and get dressed, I can't just drop everything and do what you need me to RIGHT FUCKING NOW. Sorry. I have this thing called "my own life" and unless you're my S.O. or one of my best, best friends, I'm not obligated to do anything that you demand of me. I don't like being walked all over and I definitely don't like someone in my FACE, telling me I need to be MORE RESPONSIBLE because I didn't do EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED: wanted not needed: RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

Those friends that I've done things for in the past have ASKED me to do them, not DEMANDED of me, and have definitely NOT thrown a bloody temper tantrum when I couldn't do it RIGHT THAT FUCKING SECOND.

It really pisses me off.

Secondly: (Yes, SECONDLY)

I know there's a crap ton of stuff in my life that most people don't really understand anymore. There are days when I don't understand it, but if I decide to tell it to you, know that I told it to you because I thought I could trust you and it means that I can confide in you. DON'T TRY AND FUCKING FAKE IT FOR ATTENTION. That's really stupid, and all it does is make me think that I made a bad choice in telling you.

Don't talk down to me anymore. I'm not 19, I'm 26. I'm an adult. I can legally drink, smoke, fuck, buy porn and rent a car. I'm not anyone's push over and I'm not your mommy. I don't wanna hear the words "okay Sam" in that condescending sort of way that you would talk to a child come out of anyone's mouth in my general direction. Kthnxbye.

Thirdly: To Mike and Monica.

I'm GLAD you two got married. I'm happy for you. Everyone deserves to find LOVE and be happy in LOVE. I know that Mike and I didn't WORK. I understand that a lot of fucking drama came of us breaking up, which I didn't intend to have happen. I was 21 and rather stupid, I will admit. It tore our group of friends apart, since then people had to take sides and suddenly we were all back in high school. That's fucking stupid.

However, if you see me at an event and you suddenly start rubbing all over each other because you think it'll make me mad...

It won't. I don't CARE. Most of the time I avoid people I've had drama wars with, because I'm TOO GODDAMN OLD FOR THAT.

Fourthly: To Megan (whose last name I never knew)

You are a thorn in my side. You've stolen from me, told lies about me, made up random crap, accused me of doing things I'd never even think about doing, spread rumors, cheated me, insulted me and turned a pair of really nice girls against me...

The reason: You were either FUCKING BORED or INSANE.

You can be in the same room as me, or in the same general space as me without having to worry about me STARTING something. Why? I'm 26 YEARS OLD AND TOO GODDAMN OLD FOR THIS KIND OF HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA SHIT.

Grow the fuck up and get out of high school, you two-faced bitch.

I understand that you have problems with your health and your brother was sick, but seriously... that's no goddamn reason to take your PAIN and INSECURITIES and EMOTIONAL BULLSHIT out on some unsuspecting chick who just wanted to know if you were interested in keeping the room for an anime convention.

It's obvious you don't CARE about anyone but YOU, since you seem to like to get pissed off at people because they do the same cosplays as you, HEAVEN FORBID they cut their hair or buy the same doll as you. Shit, you might absolutely just SHIT OUT A WHOLE COW.

Please. Just. GROW. UP.

Lastly: I am NOT the same person that I used to be. I'm not even CLOSE to being that person anymore. I'm spiritually aware, I've surrounded myself with good people who love me for WHO I AM, not WHO I PRETEND TO BE FOR YOU. If you have a problem with that....

...There's the door.

Thank you.
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