Borrowed from
torn_eledhwen 1) Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
One open, one closed.
(2) Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?
Not really. They never do my hair any good in the first place so there's no point taking them.
(3) Have you ever 'done it' in a hotel room?
(4) Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No, but in my halls at uni some lads once had a construction site sign in the window for all to see.
(5) Are you eating anything right now?
No, but I'm drinking a lager.
(6) Who do you think reads your answers?
Whoever feels like it.
(7) Do you have a calendar in your room?
Two in fact ~ Life on Mars and PotC.
(8) Where are you?
In my bedroom.
(9) What's your plan for the day?
Well there's only half an hour left, so finish watching my film and go to bed.
(10) Are you reading any books right now?
Pride and Prejudice and Louise Rennison's ...then he ate my boy entrancers.
(11) Is it cold out?
It's bloody freezing.
(12) Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
(13) Have you ever peed in the woods?
Maybe when I was about five and on a bike ride with no toilet in sight.
(14) Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?
(15) Do you chew your pens and pencils?
(16) How many people have slept in your bed this week?
Well my cat's asleep on the end if that counts.
(17) Favorite place to buy make-up?
Boots, but not often.
(18) What is your "Song of the week"?
Samson and Delilah by Shirley Manson.
(19) Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
So long as it's done right.
(20) Do you still watch cartoons?
Oh yes. And own several, particularly now disney are re releasing on dvd.
(21) What's your favorite love movie?
PotC has a love story lol. To be honest I can't think of a film I own that I do purely because of it being a love story; if it has then it's a subplot or I like it for reasons as well as that.
(22) Where would you bury hidden treasures if you had some?
If I told you I wouldn't be able to hide it there would I?
(23) What do you drink with dinner?
Nothing usually, but whatever fizzy drink is in the fridge if I want something.
(24) What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in?
I don't really eat them, unless we've been to the cinema late at night and someone else wants to go to McDonalds or something while we're passing. And even then I don't dip them in anything.
(25) What is your favorite food/cuisine?
Pasta or Turkish Delight.
(26) What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
To keep the list short, PotC. If I elaborate anymore we'll be here forever.
(27) Last person you hugged/kissed?
My nan when we visiter earlier this evening.
(28) Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
Rainbow, Brownie, Guide and Young Leader.
(29) Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Most definitely not. I don't much like my body when only I can see it, so why would I want anyone else to?
(30) When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
My sister a couple of weeks ago when I sent her a good luck card for uni.
(31) Can you change the oil in a car?
I couldn't say for certain ~ I know where everything is under the bonnet but I've not had to do it so far. Usually Dad does that sort of thing for me.
(32) Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Nope, but I've had a couple of moments where I've been paranoid that I might have done.
(33) Run out of gas?
No, I've never run out of petrol. :D
(34) Favorite kind of sandwich?
I don't have one really. Anything without mayonnaise.
(35) Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Cereal or yoghurt. Or toast.
(36) What is your usual bedtime?
It depends on whether I have to get up for something in the morning and what time. If I don't have that to motivate me it tends to creep on past one o'clock in the morning.
(37) Are you lazy?
Not overly, but I do have my moments.
(38) When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
Numerous things ~ cat, ghost (who hasn't?), mummy, cowgirl among other things.
(39) How many languages do you know?
Apart from english, french is my next best language. I can read a little spanish - catalan, actually, reads like a cross between french and spanish - and a little welsh.
(40) Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
(41) Which are better, Legos or Lincoln logs?
Huh? Not having a clue about the latter I'll go with lego.
(42) Are you stubborn?
Without a doubt.
(43) Who is better... Leno or Letterman?
Not an idea. I'll leave that to people who know.
(44) Ever watch soap operas?
God no.
(45) Afraid of heights?
No, but my Mum is, and would pull me and my sister back from edges even though they had railings.
(46) Sing in the car?
(47) Dance in the shower?
No, it's a small shower and it would probably end badly.
(48) Dance in the car?
Unless tapping the wheel and nodding along counts, I'm not sure how you accomplish that while driving. I have however witnessed the time warp done in a car before.
(49) Ever used a gun?
Not unless a laser rifle counts.
(50) Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Depends on the musical. Can you call Sweeney Todd cheesy?
(51) Is Christmas stressful?
Without a doubt.
(52) Ever eat a perogi?
(53) Favorite type of fruit pie?
(54) Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Train driver, courtesy of Thomas the Tank Engine.
(55) Do you believe in ghosts?
I'm open to the idea, but I'll need to see one to have it proven to me if that makes sense.
(56) Ever have deja-vu moments?
(57) Take a vitamin daily?
(58) Wear slippers?
On a morning ~ the kitchen tiles can be very cold.
(59) Wear a bath robe?
Depends if I'm cold or not.
(60) What do you wear to bed?
Pyjamas or a vest top.
(61) Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart?
Well Asda is owned by Walmart but I prefer Tesco.
(62) Nike or Adidas?
Neither, but Adidas do make my swimming costume.
(63) Cheetos Or Fritos?
Quavers. They don't make cheetos here anymore. Just like Lucky Charms in fact.
(64) Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
(65) Ever hear of "gorp"?
I'm gonna answer that with a wtf?
(66) Ever taken dance lessons?
Yes. For various reasons doctors told my Mum I needed to take some sort of sport and ballet was the preferred one. I hated it though and ended up swimming instead.
(67) Is there someone you would like to kiss?
(68) Can you curl your tongue?
No, and am apparantly one of the few who can't along with my sister and Dad.
(69) Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Several times.
(70) Own any record albums?
No, but my parents have several cases in the loft.
(71) Own a record player?
Well it's not mine but there is one in the house.
(72) Regularly burn incense?
(73) Ever been in love?
(74) Hot tea or cold tea?
Hot. Never had iced and I'm not much inclined to.
(75) Tea or coffee?
Tea. I hate coffee.
(76) Favorite kind of cookie?
Cokies full stop. They're not something I've had often over the years.
(77) Can you swim well?
Yes, and quite well when I get practise in. I went to classes for years.
(78) Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose?
I have to say I don't think I've ever seen anyone do this, but the answer is yes.
(79) Are you patient?
(80) DJ or band, at a wedding?
I've been to three weddings and its always been a disco. I'd love to see a band at one.
(81) Ever won a contest?
Several times.
(82) Ever had plastic surgery?
I've had surgery, but it wasn't plastic surgery as far as I understand it. Though it could technically have been.
(83) Which are better black or green olives?
Don't like olives.
(84) Can you knit or crochet?
(85) Wash room or bathroom?
(86) Do you want to get married?
I would, but it would involve meeting the right man.
(87) Who was your HS crush?
Didn't have one really. Most at my school where idiots and kinda prevented you wanting to like them.
(88) Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
When I was five.
(89) Do you have kids?
(90) Do you want kids?
Well that would involve meeting the right man.
(91) What’s your favorite color?
(92) Do you miss anyone right now?
(93) Who do you wanna see right now?
No one in particular.
(94) What is your dream job?
Um, writing for a film magazine or something.
(95) Rainy days or sunny days?
Either. Sunny at the moment, we've had too much rain.
(96) NBC, FOX, ABC, or CBS?
(97) Tigger or Pooh?
(98) Alvin, Simon, or Theodore?
If that's the chipmonks I hate them.
(99) Romance or straight to the point?
In what context?
(100) Happy or rich?
Happy, probably. But having never been rich I couldn't say lol.