A collection of miscellany

Jun 04, 2007 22:39

I've got a totally unused Deadjournal from about 5 years ago, so I have 2 codes to give away if anyone else wants a freebie to migrate or double to.

I will never, ever, ever again have speakers without a sub-woofer. Really. Bass is deep base-beat love.

I need to stop dreaming of TV series(es?) that never happened.

I hate words that are already plural, don't have a plural, or don't pluralise by adding -s/-es. Sheep, mice, and series, I'm looking at you

Whoo, birthday. Spending the weekend at my dad's, see below.

I have the house to myself this week, which is fine. Not so fine for birthdays though, see above.

Nans are nosy, nagging love.

Yes, this is how my brain works. Why do you think I never use my journal, or write anything longer than 500 words?


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