Влюбленные на миниатюрах 15 века

Feb 13, 2016 23:55

Влюбленные на миниатюрах 15 века

Miniature de Jean Tavernier dans le manuscrit de René d'Anjou, Le Mortifiement de Vaine Plaisance, 1455.

Jacques de Luxembourg, Seigneur de Fiennes (c.1426-1487

=================King Rene's Book of Love============

- Le Livre du Coeur d'Amour Epris : Reproduction Integrale En Fac-Simile Des Miniatures Du Codex Vindobonensis 2597 De La Bibliotheque Nationale De Vienne Marie Thérese Gousset - Philippe Lebaud 1990.

voir : http://www.guice.org/bklvntr2.html

Rene the King and Poet, is asleep, in a magical night scene he sees himself and the figures in his dream: Amour, God of Love, is standing beside his bed and with both hands plucks the heart from Rene's breast, giving it to the Page, Ardent Desire, who stands with hands outstretched ready to receive it. It will have to remain on the power of Ardent Desire until it finds favor with the lady of Rene's dreams, Sweet Grace. It is not Rene himself who starts off on a journey of adventure with the Page, but his heart, personified as the Knight Cueur.

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A lady has come out of the tent and stands before them, holding the reins of Cueur's horse. She is no longer young, but of noble bearing, royally clad, and wearing a golden crown. She tells Cueur that her name is Hope ( Esperance ), that Amour himself ordered the inscription on that column to guide all lovers on their quest, and gives him encouragement concerning the road ahead. He will have to withstand many battles, but he will always be able to count on her aid.

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=======Les miniatures de la Théséide de Vienne ========
---------------(Wiener Theseide)------



Diana, de godin van de jacht, omringd door een meute honden en hun verzorgers. Miniatuur door de Meester van Antoine Rolin in Evrart de Conty, Le Livre des échecs amoureux, ca. 1495.
Parijs, Bibliothèque nationale de France,

Miniatuur door Loyset Liédet in Jean Miélots bewerking van Christine de Pisan, L'Epître d'Othéa, Zuidelijke Nederlanden, ca. 1460.
Brussel, Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België

. Miniatuur in een Vlaamse kalender, Gents-Brugse school, begin 16e eeuw.

книга в форме сердца с итальянской и французской песнями о любви известных композиторов
Hartvormig boek met Italiaanse en Franse minneliederen, getoonzet door vermaarde componisten als Johannes Ockeghem en Guillaume Dufay, Frankrijk, ca. 1470.
Parijs, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. Rothschild 2973, fol. 3v

Burleske bas de page in een koorboek met kyriale en motetten, Gent of Mechelen, 1498-1503

http://www.dbnl.org/index.phpОригинал взят у marinni в Влюбленные на миниатюрах 15 века.

средневековые миниатюры, медиевистика, день святого Валентина, книги

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