Bye Bye Blogger

Dec 31, 2005 16:05

It's official - I've dumped Blogger.

It's out of Performancing and I've taken the email addy to post off my phone. I'll continue using LJ and MSN for the moment until my new blog is ready. I might use Performancing to continue posting to them, I'm not sure yet.

I've got myself a Wordpress blog hosted on one of my servers. I'm thinking of having one server with a my WP blog, one with photo galleries, one with a forum and then using my NTL site as like a portal to them. I have a plan to have a website with like parchment or music paper as a background and four pictures that are kinda beige and neutral - maybe stones on a beach for instance. One pic being a link to my blog, one to the pics, one to the forum. Then the fourth pic can be a link to pages on the NTL site that are kinda about me with links to DeviantArt, Photobucket, etc.

I think I might sign up for three new 275mb web servers - they have no ad's but have MySQL databases which I need to the forum and blog. I'll try and get and Grr well I would if they servers weren't down.
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