Coole Park, co. Galway | Куул Парк

Sep 18, 2009 22:14

"And now" declared Granny, "I feel so much better
That I'll write W.Shaw a most beautiful letter
And tell him how happy our lives are at Coole
Under Grandmamma Darling's beneficent rule".
G.B.S. 11/10/21

Точная копия стихотворения (последнее четверостишие), написанного Джорджем Бернардом Шоу на пяти открытках маленьким внучкам Леди Грегори, в благодарность за посланные ему в знак прощения за жульничество в игре "Hunt the Thimble" яблоки сорта Crofton из сада Coole.

A replica - inkblots and all - of the poem written by George Bernard Shaw on five postcards to Lady Gregory's little grand-daughters, thanking them for the Crofton apples from Coole orchard sent to forgive him for cheating at "Hunt the Thimble".

park, coole, ireland, co galway, autumn, photos 2009, light, stones

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