Aim for your star

May 17, 2016 15:08

Aim for your star,
Even if it is so far,
Even if it is the distant quasar,
If it is the hypothetic blitzar.

Maybe it is the glowing pulsar,
Maybe it is the planet like Mars.
Anyway install your radar
And search your lode star.

Never mind about blizzards,
Erase your old scars,
Get ready as jaguars,
Be patient as tsars.

Leave your doubts in a jar,
Start your best car,
Take hold of the handlebar,
Guided by the North star.

Take with you a guitar,
Smoke a Cuban cigar.
You’ll not find your way in bazaar,
Where everyone is looking for ways to spar.

Change your own repertoire,
Write the truth in memoirs,
Give the script to “Pixar”
And wait for a new start.

You can find out who you are,
Just remove your avatar,
And aim for your star,
Even if it is so far…


P.S. Вышивка была сделана по схеме из журнала "Вышиваю крестиком".

творчество, by elena muse, вышивка крестом, стихи

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