May 24, 2009 03:22
So I just saw startrek again, and it sort of made me realize something.
For one, that movie is definitely the first time I've ever remotely thought of Kirk/Spock slash. But the movie is definitely about their relationship, whether or not you're the kind of person who believes they secretly have a thing for each other during it. Anyway, there I am giggling like a madwoman when spoiler! they're physically fighting.
I *like* violence. Back when I read manga, the two remotely romantic stories I liked were Wallflower and Kill Me Kiss Me. In both, the couples spend most of their time physically fighting. I think it's cute.
It's true about me, too. My current relationship is full of violence, and I *like* it. A lot. I like fighting someone. My friendships in the past have had a pecking order, originally determined by who could and had beat up who.
This is something it probably took me too long to realize, given my relationships/ friendships/ taste in movies/reading material. But I don't like it in any sexual way, really. I don't think "oh yeaaaaaahhhhh, punch him/me just like that, it's so hot." When I have sex, it isn't a form of glorified sparring, nor does it necessarily start that way. Nevertheless, violence is a crucial part of my relationship... If it weren't as it is, I wouldn't be sexually frustrated, I'd be emotionally frustrated.
Meh. This isn't coherent, just a thought.