Icon meme cont.

Mar 20, 2008 18:52

Results from this meme

__kali__ gave me these icons:

This one's by ponyboy who made a whole bunch of brilliant TOS icons. I love this one because it captures Captain Kirk's mentality perfectly, and I'm a sucker for any kind of pun. (And I had a fangirl crush on him when I was 13. Hush! :-P)

This is Kribu, one of kribu's three cats. I love cats but I've never had any of my own, so I enjoy other people's cats via picspam. IIRC it's also one of my first icons I had on LJ.

This is also a really early icon of mine. It's from the last episode of Battlestar Galactica's first season. I didn't really like seasons 2 and 3 all that much, but I really enjoyed the first one, especially the last two-parter. It's funny - I remember making this icon quite well - it was the first time I figured out how to rotate text (though I didn't do a very good job of it, now that I look at it), and it was the icon where I learned how to overlay text with a gradient.

Heh - this is one of my favourite icons. I posted the base some time ago, and a_starfish suggested posting it on lifein1973 as a captioning challenge. Hilarity ensued, a_starfish made this icon, and I snagged it :-)

This is an icon I made out of a picture of Gallifrey I painted last summer. dune_drd had the idea that should people to draw/paint/photoshop pictures of Gallifrey according to the description in Gridlock. I quite like it, so I made it into an icon. It was also my LJ background pic for quite some time.


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