Dirty Questions
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Ever been to a strip club? actually, I have.
Ever been to a bar? yup.
Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club? not that i can recall.
Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere? "assisted," yes.
Kissed someone of the same sex? gonna have to go w/ yup on that one.
Thrown up from drinking too much? yeah. not my finest hours. three's a charm. if i could take back the last time, i would in a heartbeat.
Had sex in a car? vague memories of those days.
Had sex in a park? i REALLY DON'T think so
Had sex in a cinema? naw. *not yet* hahaha. no. i haven't.
Had sex in a bathroom? probably. don't remember that either though.
Had sex at work? i don't think so. naw. i haven't.
Have you ever been to an adult store? yesssss. i love them!
Bought something from an "adult" store? lol. yeah. fun fun fun.
Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with? i HAVE in the past. i dunno about now. i'd have to spend more time w/ him.
Have you ever had a threesome? yup.
Are your breasts real? yup. real as the money that bought them. ;D lol. jk.
Have you ever kissed a stranger? yuck. once, i think. wait, yeah, that was the person of opp sex.
Does anyone have naughty pics of you? hope not.
Ever had oral sex in a nightclub? noooo.
Ever had sex with someone you met through Myspace? unfortunately. and it was my longest saddest relationship ever.
Who, on your friends list, will complete this survey? no one bkuz i'm not sharing it. hahahaha.
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