Oct 16, 2005 13:27
Well I caught the cold that's been going around lately. Huge bummer. I don't usually get colds -- it's been a couple years since the last one. It's probably because I'm stressed out, too busy to eat decently, and rarely sleeping more than 6 hours a night. I'm just hoping my natural cold resistance will at least keep it down low and not make me horribly sick.
Finished up my CE requirements with four more hours of lecture this morning. I have a couple hours to cram a bunch of annoying optics problems in (I started them last night and they are awful) and then I have to drive back to school to spend a few hours in the lab practicing refraction routines for our proficiency.
This weekend has really sucked. I had to do so much work for school I didn't get to actually relax at all. Now I'm tired and sick and apprehensive about facing another couple crazy weeks and another busy weekend. I want to sleep a full night - is that too much to ask??? I'm thinking it's going to be November before it happens.
The man giving the talks this morning made a chauvinistic joke that pissed me off A LOT. It's so frustrating to be a woman going into a field with a bunch of men who default you as stupid and incompetent from the beginning. And for what? How do attitudes like that still exist? It truly baffles me. (I can say that my best teachers are all female right now! And I'm so glad. I know there is a lot of chauvinism within the male student body too, and I hope the high level of intelligence shown by our female professors is changing their ignorant prespectives on some level.)
No photography this weekend. Or next. I can't believe the leaves are going to change color and drop before the next time I can go outside.
*sorry, not having the best of days...
od school,