I just got my Sprint (cell phone) bill today, and they've apparently decided to revamp the thing.
It's HUGE. Not the amount, the physical bill itself. I feel like I've been shopping in the LARGE PRINT section at Border's. Maybe the next revamp will have the Cat in the Hat on it or the dogs from
Go, Dog. Go!.
The slip to return with my check is different, too.
1) They didn't bother putting my account number on it even though they want it on the check.
2) The area for "Amount Enclosed" includes enough space for $9,999,999.99.
Seriously. Who the hell has a cell phone bill of $1 million*? And any company that does ain't using this form, that's for sure.
I'm tempted to fill it out for 4,892,947.92 or some other random thing, just to see what happens.
*read in the style of Dr Evil in Austin Powers