I was alternately thinking, "We knew it" and "Larry's going to be pissed too." HOW in the HELL could they still pick him after Dilana's performances? On the other hand, I'm kinda glad she can go on and do something better without having to put up with Tommy the Dumb Lecherous Shmuck.
He's horrible. I mean, even though anyone with half a brain saw this coming weeks ago, it's still a bummer.
I think I'm going to watch Survivor for the first time in several, partly because I'm terribly intrigued and partly because I now have someone to talk to about it. Now all I need is for you to get sucked into the next round of America's Next Top Model (which, as a photographer, you SHOULD be very interested in, heh heh) and I'm a happy camper.
Dilana stomps all over Eyeliner Boy's ass, but she's too freaked out for my taste - but perfect for Tommy Lee and the boys. Honestly, how many piercings, tattoos, and different shades of hair color does one person need to make a personal statement about how very uniquely individual she is? Hell, Evil Bjork managed to do it with just one gold lamé jumpsuit.
Lukas would have been better off with his own goth band. He could have played Dragon*Con next year with CruxShadows*!
I can't bring myself to watch ANTM. I can't stand the fashion industry, mainly because their idea of "beauty" is so closely related to heroin, cigarettes, and famine. And yet takes all of my meager supply of self-restraint to not start watching Project Runway again; there's no way I could hold out long if I started watching ANTM.
* That's apparently pronounced /crew shadows/ by the way. I, however, insist on saying /cruks shadows/ just to aggravate anygoth within hearing.
He's horrible. I mean, even though anyone with half a brain saw this coming weeks ago, it's still a bummer.
I think I'm going to watch Survivor for the first time in several, partly because I'm terribly intrigued and partly because I now have someone to talk to about it. Now all I need is for you to get sucked into the next round of America's Next Top Model (which, as a photographer, you SHOULD be very interested in, heh heh) and I'm a happy camper.
Lukas would have been better off with his own goth band. He could have played Dragon*Con next year with CruxShadows*!
I can't bring myself to watch ANTM. I can't stand the fashion industry, mainly because their idea of "beauty" is so closely related to heroin, cigarettes, and famine. And yet takes all of my meager supply of self-restraint to not start watching Project Runway again; there's no way I could hold out long if I started watching ANTM.
* That's apparently pronounced /crew shadows/ by the way. I, however, insist on saying /cruks shadows/ just to aggravate anygoth within hearing.
Yes, but I need you. You'd understand. You'd commisserate. I'll never tell. ;)
Besides, I work Wednesday nights. Ha!
But you could tape it...
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