OK, now I'm obsessing about this.
On Saturday, I visited Big Lots, Storehouse Furniture, and a couple of other places looking for bookcases for the
spare room. Big Lots had no furniture whatsoever. This became even more annoying last night when I saw a Big Lots TV commercial trumpeting their fantastic sale on bookcases. Bastards.
The new Storehouse Furniture on Ponce/Highland (next to The Righteous Room) is pretentious and overly expensive. Paying a thousand dollars for a six-foot tall set of faux mahogany bookcases with a rolling ladder doesn't make you cool or trendy just because the store is playing house music instead of classical. It makes you stupid.
Saturday's was a fruitless search.
On Sunday, after being disappointed with the selection at Lowe's, I went ahead and bought bookcases at Office Depot. These bookcases had two advantages over the IKEA bookcases: 1) they were about half the price (on sale!) and 2) they were in stock.
I don't like them.
I got three of them: a two-shelf, a three-shelf, and a five-shelf. All white, just like the IKEA ones. And about the same size. After putting together the smallest of them, I had a feeling they wouldn't work out.
Nevertheless, I transferred all my CDs from the 1" x 12" planks into the two-shelfer. They all fit, but only stacked two deep and two high on both shelves, completely defeating the purpose of displaying them and confirming my fears about all three bookcases in general.
In order to fit all the CDs, LPs, and books onto these three bookcases, I'll have to pack everything in two deep, which means half the CDs and books won't be easily visible. I don't like the idea of moving things around to get to something specific I want. And I don't want to double stack my CDs anymore.
Also: they're boring. They're just pieces of cheap faux wood put together vertically and horizontally. No style. No nothing. They look like they belong … well, in a back office somewhere, like in the warehouse, overflowing with stacks of reports, empty Coke cans, and spare widgets.
It isn't you, Office Depot Bookcases, it's me. I'm just not that into you.
But then, what should I have expected buying them from Office Depot, right?
I think I'm going to return them. The bigger two are still in their boxes, so they shouldn't be a problem. I'll call them about the already put together smallest one; maybe they'll take it back with a restocking fee. To make them feel better, I'll see if they have one of the printers I'm looking at getting before Sunday during the tax-free holiday.
Which leads me back to IKEA.
Billy calls me.
Billy haunts me. I want
Maybe IKEA will have at least half of what I want in stock if I visit this weekend. I don't even need all of it now. I can put it together piecemeal.
Damn you, Billy! Damn you to hell! Why can't I quit you?