If you're in Georgia, don't forget to vote in tomorrow's general primary. Polls are open from 7am until 7pm; if you are in line at 7pm, you are entitled to vote no matter how much longer you stand in line. If you don't know your polling place, go
HERE; you can also find out your General Assembly House & Senate districts on that page. A list of candidates for each race, complete with candidates' websites, can be found
HERE. If you haven't registered to vote, you'll have to wait until November's general election and you suck.
Remember you can vote in either the Democratic or Republican primary no matter what your political affliation and no matter which you voted in or who you voted for at the 2004 elections, but not both. At the primary runoff election in three weeks, you will have to vote in the same party's primary as you vote on Tuesday. In November's general election, you can vote for whoever the hell you want.
If you don't vote, SHUT UP!