I'm most of the way through
Farscape Season 1 and I find I've already seen quite a lot of it; I just don't remember it until I'm watching it. Also, I've seen them completely out of sequence and, apparently, out of context. For example, on this last disc, I never saw episode 13, "Rhapsody in Blue," but I distinctly remembered most of episode 11, "Till the Blood Runs Clear." The whole time I'm watching it, I'm wondering where is the
hot blue chick that somehow ends up with D'Argo? She's on the DVD sleeves. Turns out she doesn't appear until next season. I think. I can't remember.
Kind of annoying, actually.
Same thing just happened with
Pi, which is exactly the kind of movie you don't forget you've seen. It's very distinctive, both the story and the style. So I'm watching when suddenly the cigarette-smoking Hasid shows up and I realize I've seen this movie before. There's a
Go game, right? Yup. Isn't there something weird with ants? Yes. And there they are. When's the bit (ha!) with the drill? Ah, there it is.
Sometimes I hate my brain.
In any event, the Farscape discs get back to normal now. I'll watch episode 14, and then the last four discs go in order. That means I can put movies back in between them as I did with Veronica Mars. Next up:
Nausicaa Valley of the Wind.