Who is your favorite person? Probably one of my fictional characters. How sad is that? Wesley. Totally Wesley. XD
Who has had the greatest impact on your life? My dad I guess. Raised me and stuff.
Who, in your life, has the biggest heart? That's a tough one. Deb or Tiff.
Who is the most disturbed person in your life? ME.
Who do you dislike the most? Hi Mom.
Who was the last person to have a heart-to-heart with you? I don't think I've ever had a heart-to-heart with anyone. I'm not the person people open up to. Probably because I'm an asshole.
Who is the "One that got away"? Doesn't exist.
Who was the first person that you knew of to have a crush on you? I do not remember his name, but he's the only person to ever give me a valentine. I must have been about 7 or 8.
Who was the last person to surprise you? Uhhhhh... Dunno
Who was your childhood (by childhood, I mean any ages 5 thru 12) crush or sweetheart? I really liked this kid Jimmy. I can hardly put a face on him now.
What was your favorite childhood toy? Bah, I dunno. I blocked most of this out. I LOVED this clown stuffed animal I had. YES A CLOWN STUFFED ANIMAL. Hahaha. My great-grandmother gave it to me, I think. I had to leave it behind when I left my mom. Miss it.
What is the most expensive thing you ever bought? Something electronic I'm sure. Like my PS2 or something.
What is your least favorite chore? Laundry. So many steps to it.
What did your mother "Always say"? I can't even remember the sound of her voice, and that's joyous. Dunno what she said, but she always had a box of wine in the fridge. She was a classy drunk.
What song reflects your current mood? Something along the lines of 'I can't wait to get out of work and watch Dexter'
What have you always been afraid to tell someone? Huh, interesting. No idea.
What one word describes you best? Closed.
What was the last sport you played? HAHAHAHAHAHA
What is your dream vehicle? Something that starts.
What do you love most about your best friend? I don't have one anymore, but I love all my friends. We're all so very different.
Where do want to be in five years? Somewhere else. I'm not picky.
Where did your first kiss take place? Oh jeez, I'll go with my first Kenny kiss because it's the only one that matters. And it was on his dad's couch. I'm pretty sure South Park was on.
Where did your parents meet? Probably at a bar. Then he knocked her up.
Where is your ideal peaceful place? My own personal movie theater. OR An empty room with a computer and my characters, so I can play with them in peace. By 'play with them' I just mean write.
Where is the worst place on Earth? I probably haven't been there. A VOLCANO PERHAPS?!
Where did you go for your last vacation? Baltimore. It was fun. =D
Where is your most favorite place in the world? I haven't been there yet. Although I did love Hawaii.
Where do you think you'll meet your soulmate? My what? Did we just jump into a Disney movie?
Where was the last concert you went to held? Does Flogging Molly count?
Where did you last eat lunch? I did not eat lunch. =( Weekends are rough for me. Don't remember my last lunch. Bawwww
When did you first drink an alcoholic beverage? I don't really remember. I think Brooke's mom let us try a sip of wine when we were younger. Still don't like it.
When was the last time you felt embarressed? I Don't even know. Not something I feel often.
When did you first fall in love? I'll stay on Kenny, and I really don't know when I knew.
When was the last time you danced? I dance all the time. Sometime today. There probably wasn't even music playing, unless it was in Mermi's car.
When was the last time you cried? Uhhh, couple weeks ago?
When did your wisdom teeth grace you with their presence? Making their way now. Sons of bitches.
When was the last time you took public transportation? No freaking clue.
When, if ever, would you consider omitting the truth? About what? Everyone knows I'm nuts.
When did you move out of your parents' home? I hate you.
When was the last time you made a child smile? They don't smile when you KICK THEM. Kidding. Probably never. Kids hate me.
Other & Random:
Do you ever think "what if..." in regards to someone from your past? Nah
Why? I'm so original.
If you had a fortune, but were about to die, who would you give your fortune to? My dad and sisters. Maybe Kenny can have some, but he should spend the rest of his life mourning me. No, I'm joking.
Were you ever mean to someone because you secretly liked them? Haha, no. I was always shy around boys I liked.
Who is the last person to make you angry? I don't get truly angry often. Probably a customer.
What did they do? Annoyed me?
Is their offense forgivable? NEVER
You and one other person are the last humans on earth... who is the other person with you? Emile Hirsch. ...What?
Why did you choose this person? Because he is teh sex.
What happened the last time you were completely speechless? Dunno if I've ever been rendered speechless.
Which song was the last that you heard? Something playing in Mermi's car. Can't remember what it was!
How many tattoos do you have? One
How many piercings do you have? A couple.
What is the most daring thing you have ever wanted to do? I really don't want to do many daring things.
Have you done it? Yes, I have done it. BAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh come on, that was funny.
How many children would you ideally like to have? Zero. Unless maybe, someday so far in the future, I decide I want to mother a ten-year-old Chinese boy.
What is your worst fault? I'm an asshole. I'm opinionated. People make me cringe, especially strangers that try talking/being nice to me. I procrastinate waaay to much. My goals are pretty much unreachable, but I'm trying for them anyway. Shit, I should stop. Survey just wanted one.
What is your best quality? ... O.o ... No clue.
Who is the one person you love with all your heart? ME. Kidding. No one. I don't think I'll ever make that mistake.