Very cold in my house. I LOVE IT!
Getting more and more excited for NaNoWriMo. I have as much of the plot as I want worked out, worked out. The rest will come along the way. I know how it starts, I know pretty much where they're going, I know who my antagonist is, and I know how it ends. Good enough for me.
Found a book on guns that looks helpful. I needed something recent and it's from 2009 so there ya go. Should be perfect. Hopefully. Definitely still want to shoot shit though before November starts. I just want to be able to know what the hell I'm talking about.
I know we only need 50,000 words, but I'm shooting for somewhere between 80-90,000. That's a decent novel length, I think. But if I pass 50,000 and don't make it to 80,000, trust me, I'll still be more than pleased with myself. =)
Downloaded a trial photoshop and holy crap it's been a long time since I've tried using it. People over at NaNo have been making banners with the title of their book and maybe an image to go along. I was half asleep when I finished last night, so I wasn't sure what to expect this morning. It's better than I though. XD Not professional, and certainly nothing a 12-year-old couldn't do, but I think it's decent for something I haven't done in 4 or so years. I like that as the title for now, but it might change later. Feedback on the title will be greatly appreciated and taken seriously.
It's going to be told from the man's POV, first person. I have to pretend I know how a guy in his mid to late twenties thinks. Oh who am I kidding? I practically am a guy. That should be easy. Just need to tap into my inner-homosexual. Oh, and he's not blonde by the way. At least not in my brain. I couldn't find a better dude though, so I had to settle. Ah well, it works. Not like it's the book cover or anything.
Don't have a day off this week between both jobs. A woman who works in the Nursing Home had surgery so she couldn't work for 2 weeks. That's why I've been working there. She'll be coming back after this week so then I'm back to my old schedule. I hope, anyway. I won't be able to finish a novel in one month if I don't have a freaking day off all the time. Bah. At least I need the money though, my car as been unwilling to start some of the time. Bah.
Trying not to focus on the negative. ^.^ I need %100 of my attention on NaNo and getting this story right. I owe it to my new characters. They aren't that new, actually. They've been with me for a while, just nameless/faceless.
Good luck to Stephen and Mermi. I'm so glad I have two people to lean on throughout all of this, I think it'll be a great help. And good luck to every other person in the world taking this chance. It's going to be a busy month. =D