I'm bored. And I need to talk, or write rather. I mean...type. Whatever.
I'm so unsure of a lot of things lately. It's hard to be optimistic when the world is against you. I struggle daily to take care of my unemployed father while pushing aside my own feelings of selfishness because I refuse to give up every luxury. I'm so use to him always taking
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You're just a fighter. Sure- things will get to you and of course things can feel really out of reach and heavy, but you'll kick life in the balls when that lets up for even a second.
You want to know the most valiant thing? That you're not copping out on taking care of that household and your Dad. Selfish feelings will happen and you're supposed to care for yourself (i mean we aren't fuckin life-preserving, tree-huggers anyway [<3]). It's just being human and reacting to a situation that isn't ideal while you deal with it as best you can.
To people who may not know it first-hand, but know how things and people work- there are no expectations of you to save face.
In regards to the rest of your family- you are already victorious in light of their faults, addictions, and failures. You would have to fall so far down to scrape the surface and i know way too many people that love you way too much to let that happen. We'd keep your head above water if you ever fell that far. I think we just know you're a very strong person, but don't try and hide it like it's doing us a favor if it's not doing you one.
I love you, lady <3
You'll definitely see better days
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