inside my head

Jun 27, 2007 22:01

for some reason, I enjoy writing down what I've learned in the past couple days. It really is quite entertaining, at least on my behalf. I feel like a miniture Buddha or something of the sort. If you detest these little pieces of insight, you'll get over it.

So here's what I've learned:

- I am the crispy noodle in the vegetarian salad of life. Hell yes. A fortune cookie told me that.
- Another fortune cookie also told me that I could not steal 2nd base without first taking my foot off of 1st base. I hope that wasn't a lame make-out joke. Thats not how I roll

- Garden State is now one of my favorite movies
- Zach Braff is a freakin genius. Not only did he write and direct a great movie, but he got to kiss (for a very, very long time) Natalie Portman while he was doing it. Cheers to that, my friend, cheers

- Nobody will ever take you seriously with "balls" written on your forehead.
- Nobody will take you seriously if you are dressed up in knight's armor holding a gallon of milk.

- Life is never like it is in the movies. You think it will be. But it never is. Yes, I realize this is why they are "movies"...

- Saving three lives makes you feel pretty darn good (I gave blood for the first time today. woooo :l )
- You get very very tired after giving blood.
- Never, ever try to go long distance running after giving blood. Ever

- Dry ice is extremely fun to play with. And yes, you can touch it with your bare hands if its already been in contact with something.
- The fun stops when you drop the dry ice on the floor.
- The fun begins again when you get another piece of dry ice. horray!

- My weakness is the same as James Bond's. That's about all we have in common. Besides the ability to think of brillant plans on the spot. Oh, and the suaveness, can't forget that... and the lack of modesty too

- Watching people get attacked by highly lethal watchdogs is quite funny...when the people are wearing protective gear of course.
- Steak and the odor of a female dog can stop any male watchdog from attacking. Food and sex, what else can you expect to distract a male? And why does that have to be the truth in most cases?

Hope that kept you somewhat entertained. Let me know if you agree or can share any insight to the things I've learned. I'd love to hear it

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