Phoenix Rising /(and LJ stats)

Jul 12, 2006 18:02

So, to join with everyone else (or at least sylvertongue), let me ask... Are you going to Phoenix Rising? (Non-HP-fen friends, don't fret that you don't know what this is. It's another HP conference/convention thinger.)

I'm not going to Lumos this year, both because I have a work conference that begins right as Lumos ends, and because I just sort of didn't think I needed to go to yet another HP con. So I had been pretty apathetic about going to Phoenix Rising next spring. However, it seems that a lot of you guys are thinking of going, or already planning to go, including possibly some of you that I've either never met, or haven't seen in years. So if you're going, I'd love to know. At the moment I am tentatively planning to go. bookshop, gamps_garret, primroseburrows, and patchfire, please count me in the queue for that suite...

And on a totally different note...
If you haven't yet read this LJ News post and updated your profile to include your age, please consider it.

I hadn't done it before, because LJ for inane reasons always used to make it just one option for displaying both location and birthday, and while I wanted to display something of location, I didn't want to display birthday. Finally these are now separate options.

I've always thought LJ's stats were at least somewhat off. And heck, even if they're not, there is such a huge subcommunity of "older" (ie, 20's and up) users that I personally only ever seem to encounter the fair number of very mature teens in our midst.

On those lines, I'm interested in whether RPG journals may be skewing the data just a little. I wish LJ had an option for folks to choose to publicly display an age but *not* include it in the LJ statistics.

livejournal, phoenix rising, fandom (general), community

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