
Nov 23, 2005 00:23

I need a new television, because my current one has a broken cable thinger and, for the first time in forever, I actually am trying out having cable again. And because its picture is too dark, so darkly-shot shows like Firefly and Buffy are kinda hard to watch. And that's pretty much all I watch. So a friend offered me one she was getting rid of, and I said ooh definitely, and now I've got it... and it hasn't got inputs for DVD/VCR! It's beautiful and functional and lovely, but from a time before every TV ever made expected to need video and audio in jacks. Wow. Since I assume there's no way to get around the immutable fact of a lack of inputs, I'm going to try to give the TV to my parents, who still have an ancient black & white in their bedroom. It's a shame cos it's such a beautiful set. Never remotely ocurred to me to ask about inputs.

edit: At a suggestion from bester, and with the help of my dad's endless supply of random technical junk, I got a converter to turn the RCA (dvd/vcr) inputs into coax (cable) and now I'm all set with this spiffy new TV. Yay!

Unrelatedly, I think someone may have asked me out over the weekend. And the email, timestamped from Saturday afternoon, didn't arrive in my inbox til Monday morning. Feh. And current correspondence with this person doesn't seem as flirty as the original. Not exactly earthshattering, but it feels sort of karmic that I, who pretty much never get asked out these days except by people twice my age (well, discounting the very nice but NRA member OMG guy from the summer), would have a potential date botched by something as simple as a delayed email. Oh well. I have, right now, about 10 different friends I have approximately equal crushes on (most of them from the flirtatious melee that is contra dancing). I'm happy to add this one to that mix and see what happens.

Also unrelatedly, and I really really really hope that saying it here doesn't jinx me, but I'm starting to feel really confident about the LSAT again. I have some new books to study with, and they're working out well, and they'll be keeping me lots of company over the holiday weekend. I did better than I expected to on my Sunday practice test, and now I think I have the right LSAT-ass-kicking attitude. Go me. Rarr. :D

I suppose I should talk about GoF, but I doubt I have anything new to say - I treat the movies as opportunities for enjoyment, not for analysis.

Nonetheless, I have to say that overall I quite liked it, and I felt it was very well done for a film that had to cut out so much to remain watchable - not just in length, as I like long movies, but in not having too many different themes and subplots. This film remained pretty well focused on the twin plots of the Triwizard Tournament and the rise of Voldemort, and managed not to lose most of the things I loved about the book. And it was quite hard not to cry along with Harry at Cedric's death, even though I still don't really *care* about Cedric's character (the movie helped me remember about him throughout by placing him in backgrounds and in focusing more on storylines he was in, but we still didn't particularly know him, and that's fine). The entire graveyard and post-graveyard scenes were very well done, and captured the shock and terror and general horribleness of the experience as it must have been for Harry with more immediacy, IMHO, than the book. Not the book's fault, but some things are best conveyed in multimedia. Or, it could be the fact that I've never reread GoF since the summer of 2000 that makes me able to be hit with it fresh.

Also, seeing Lucius Malfoy in the graveyard made me realize again, with a force I haven't experienced since I first read GoF, before I ever found fandom, just how much hatred Harry rightfully has toward Lucius. It makes it easier to understand, despite all my empathy for Draco as a fan, how canon Harry can be so full of hatred for him, and have such a hard time emotionally distinguishing father from son.

Happy Thanksgiving, US-ians...

life, hp

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