miss me?

Aug 21, 2007 00:09

I'm back from music & dance camp; as usual it was all-out amazing. This was my tenth year going, and I honestly have a hard time imagining a year in my life without it. It's the guaranteed best week of my year, and it's bittersweet coming home at the end.

There's just something so wonderful about living in a village with 250 other folks who love the same obscure wonderful thing that you do, spending your days taking classes from superstars in their niches and your nights dancing and singing until, sometimes, past dawn... and then rolling into bed and waking up to do it all again, eating gourmet meals in common outside amidst the bees, swimming and kayaking, lying on the grass in a star-drenched sky gasping at meteors as they burn. Just so amazing.

Then I went straight to an equally amazing wedding of two very dear friends, surrounded by very dear community, on a beautiful farm. In many ways, it's the closest to my personal ideal of a wedding - in the sun, with beloved friends, dancing barefoot on the grass to live folk music. It was also an excellent buffer between my idyllic week at camp and transitioning back to my normal world.

Between the trip to the UK a couple weeks ago and the trip to camp, I'm so very behind on LJ. If you've had something important happen, or if you're in the process of leaving LJ, or if there's something you think I'd really want to know about, please comment and let me know? I'll try to skim back a bit, but I expect I won't catch remotely as much as I'd want to, and flists only go back 2 weeks or 1000 posts anyway.

I'm definitely feeling disengaged from LJ right now. Not sure how many of you are even still here, not sure where exactly all the rest have gone, until I dredge up new journal names. Not sure how I'm going to manage to follow everyone in the dispersion. Really hoping this doesn't signal the beginning of a deeper disconnection for me.

folk culture, strikethroughgate2007, life

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