so I was doing the usual carissa debate of, "to do, but do wrong, or not to do at all, and never know what could've been," and I decided, for once, to choose the former. Thus, in honor of seeking humorous distraction -- and admittedly -- bowing to peer pressure, I am now on Facebook. Under my actual name. This means that I am accepting that I do, in fact, exist in a society of people. It allows me to look at others, while not offering any actual information or insight into myself. Those priviledged few that are allowed inside the inner sanctum remain here, in my unfindable realm of LJ. To your detriment and my peace of mind, I suppose...
New Resolutions for LJ,
to be overturned almost immediately
I won't even write again about politics for awhile...I'm so sure of our victory this time, that there's no need to acknowledge the [inferior] competition.
(mumbled, aside: "drilling? In ALASKA?? What are they THINKING?")
*I was listening to this yesterday, and felt like [maybe] I'm not insane I have lost contact with a lot of people that I wish were still in my life, though I've gained a lot of new friends over the past few years as well...I don't know if there's anything to do done about that, as it isn't merely Time that ismy enemy. I will try harder.
I will acknowledge that there's more to me than my thoughts, and try to focus on packing more action into this sequence...