Hello, Hello!
So I've decided to scratch & start over; so fresh & so clean - as 'Outkast' would put it. Anyway, I suppose I should give a brief introduction for those of you who don't know me & for those of you who do, consider it a bit of a 'refresher course' in Jeremy's life (^_^).
The Who:
Well to start things off, my name is Jeremy & I am currently the lab manager of a toxicology lab in Northern California. I grew up & went to college in Wisconsin & two years ago trekked out to sunny California for this job. I have a tiny little dog companion (see picture ^_^) and love her very much. She is a miniature long-haired whippet (the breed is called windsprite, if you're curious). She comes with me basically everywhere (including work - she sleeps under my desk) and loves to run.
In my freetime I enjoy reading (I am a total book-nerd), running & cooking. I have also been known to watch the occasional episode of anime here & there.
The What:
The purpose for this journal is for me to have a written record of the hilarious, fun & random things that occur in my life & be able to share them with others. Yes, I'm sure there will be monotonous entries, but for the most part, I'm sure you'll find them entertaining. :)
I think it would also help in case I ever develop Alzheimers or have a random string of memory loss due to too much soy-intake. Apparently soy products can now inhibit memory retention. Great.
As far as updating this journal goes, I am going to *try* and update every week. Hopefully I can stick to a schedule such as every Sunday night or something close to that, but I'm sure it will vary.
So all I can say is enjoy & if you like reading, then great! If not - suck it up and get on with your bad self. ^_^