Jan 22, 2006 16:23
So after the first week back at school I've been uber busy, and now I don't have any homework except interp (Interpretation and Argument a required english class)(the only one)(my section is about environmentalist ideas rhetoric in science fiction or something like that, so far we've been reading about oil and where it exists and what people claim about it and the oil embargo in 1974 and boring stuff like that) But anywasys we just got our first paper back (online, cause everything is in this class, in fact I will not have any homework this whole semester that isn't on the computer, cause all my homework this semester requires you to pass it in typeset and electronically), and it was on this thing we wrote we had to say the claims this guy claimed in his 15ish page paper, and it had to be 2-3 pages, but anyways typical style of me the comment she gave back was:
"You've used attribution tags (Heinberg claims, Heinberg states) very well, and your quotations are often well-chosen to support your point. However, I'm not always sure why your sentences are next to each other; there aren't clear transitions or connections amongst the material. "
oops, and I actually though I put transitions in there! heh. I got a 5/5 though!
and I really like all my teachers/classes
in 15-251 (my cs class that's required and supposed to be a huge pain, and so many people had to drop out or else they'd fail, that they started having to offer it in the fall semester too)(it's called Great Theorectical ideas in computer science)(It's the class you take after the math class called concepts of mathematics, which is a discreet math course) anyways, the proffessor the first day of class had 2 volunteers make pancakes to try to prove some pancake stalking algorithm, he only made 5 and ate one in the middle of class, it was amusing.
the second class (the last one I had) he had his TA's line up a bunch of dominoes, to prove induction, before he knocked over them, he asked the class what do you think will happen, someone jokingly yelled out "the first two will fall", and the proffesor was like hahaha...no. Then he knocked down the first one, and ... the first two fell, and the professor jokingly said well I guess I have to give my TA's a lot of work to do now (cause before he said if it didn't work he would threaten the TA's with more work), later on he had 5 volunteers come up and shake hands with eachother to prove a handshaking theorem... for a class of 164 in a huge lecture hall, he has managed to make it a very interactive and fun class, he asks a lot of questions to the class and encourages us to ask questions, despite it most likely being my hardest class, I think it will be my favorite lecture to attend.