V: [Action]

Apr 24, 2011 11:21

[At some point in the morning, a cacophony starts: the sound of someone singing who cannot, in fact, sing, but is still pretty into it.]

[Yenyoji can be found pretty much anywhere in the village today, because she is tearing around singing her nonsensical song. At least she's enjoying the egg's effect, if the way she's bouncing, bobbing, and ( Read more... )

cat jokes, .action, !ic, c: adachi, !holiday, sings well when everyone else is drunk

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sdrawkcabsllort April 26 2011, 16:15:33 UTC
[Sometime after Yenyoji has terrorized Adachi, Karkat slinks out of his croft. He's spent the day shouting lyrics into a pillow or into his hand. The communicator had already betrayed him and shown the entirety of the village his dulcet tones.

Sollux, Equius and Eridan weren't going to find themselves. And while Karkat was pretty sure all three of the useless fuckpods had fucked off back to Veil, he was still going to check every nook and cranny like the good leader he was. Also, he didn't want Nepeta to be too upset. She might be a pain in the ass, but... well. He knew how he felt without Kanaya here, and it wasn't like he and she were official moirails or anything. Or even that he really felt that way about her! But the one thing you could give Equius credit for was that he was a good, supportive moirail to Nepeta and she was back to him, so losing that couldn't be easy ( ... )


elementalwheel April 26 2011, 16:25:05 UTC
[Out of nowhere, Yenyoji comes tearing around a corner at top speed. Her face lights up even more when she sees Karkat, and starts dancing around him in a circle.] Nyanyanyanyan nyannyan nyanyanyanyanyanyan ♫


sdrawkcabsllort April 26 2011, 16:32:38 UTC
[OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE, IT'S YENYOJI QURYOJA. Karkat falls on his ass in surprise, and belts out another line of his song.]

THERE WILL BE NO SHA - No, NO! I am not fucking - Yenyoji what the fuck are you doing?!


elementalwheel April 26 2011, 16:34:50 UTC
[She bobs in place to answer his question.] Da~nyan~cing and nyaning!♫ [And then she twirls in place on one toe.]

Want help up nyanyanyan?


sdrawkcabsllort April 26 2011, 16:53:26 UTC
Fucking hell, it's like Nepeta on catnip or some shit like that.

[He starts to get up, feels the song rising, and slams his heels into the ground and bites his lip HARD. With an expression of extreme concentration on NOT SINGING, he holds his hand up for her to grab.]


elementalwheel April 26 2011, 16:58:44 UTC
[Mercifully, she stops dancing long enough to help him to his feet.]

[Not that she lets go of his hand. That creepy joyful look spreads across her features again.] Dance time! Nyanyanyan♫


sdrawkcabsllort April 26 2011, 17:10:26 UTC
What the - WHOA!

[Karkat is jerked around all of a sudden and -]



fff that icon elementalwheel April 26 2011, 17:12:37 UTC
[Yenyoji catches his other hand and now it is, as she said, dance time. It's a small comfort, but she's a much better dancer than she is a singer, so at least Karkat won't be stomped on or ripped around TOO much.]

Nyanyanyannyanyan nyan nyanyanyan♫


xD;; sdrawkcabsllort April 26 2011, 17:20:20 UTC
[He's actually just. Kind of a bit too stunned to actually do anything at this moment in time, so he just gets jerked aroun in the nyan song dance.]


elementalwheel April 26 2011, 17:44:28 UTC
[She views this as a small personal victory and keeps going. Are you ready to be twirled, Karkat?]


sdrawkcabsllort April 27 2011, 17:09:26 UTC
[He is not ready to be twirled! He barks out the next few lyrics of the song:]


[And the other effects of the egg is beginning to work too... he starts to grin, even as he's being twirled and singing a daft song.]


elementalwheel April 28 2011, 04:39:57 UTC
[A Karkat grin! She immediately decides that she will cherish this moment forever. The dance continues, though she'll save further twirls for later steps. She must not make him vomit rainbows or anything, after all.]

Nyannyannyan nyan nyan nyan~!♫


sdrawkcabsllort April 29 2011, 11:45:29 UTC
[Everything about him is rainbows. Rainbows and unicorns. He grins like a lunatic and starts tugging her around in the dance. He will hate himself when the effects wear off...]


elementalwheel April 29 2011, 15:37:15 UTC
[She gives a delighted nyan as he starts really getting into it. Even if he'll hate himself, she is truly, completely delighted right now as they spin and dance and sing.]


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