III: [Video / Action]

Jan 06, 2011 14:32


[Yen peeks into the video, looking around in a distracted sort of way as she's obviously trying to be Very Conversational because this isn't a big deal, okay guys. She just want you to know it's not a faerie trap.] So, hey. Don't be alarmed if you find a new blanket in your home. It's a present. Um, merry festivities.

[ In the background is the hazy voice of the other occupant of the hut; Cidriel comes into view, dressed in what counts for pajamas -- a loose drab tunic and slacks -- rubbing at her eyes. ] What in Altana's name is all the--

[ There is a pause. Then a gasp. ] Oh my Goddess, Yen, where did all these blankets come from?

[Yenyoji jumps and almost drops the communicator.] Uh... a quest?

This cannot possibly be for just us... [ She slips her long arms around Yen's shoulders from behind, nuzzling the back of her head. ] Though we could-- [ And she whispers something against one of the feline's sensitive ears that is not for little children, before peeking up over the top of her red hair. ] ... ... ...is that on?

[Yenyoji starts to grin a little at whatever Cidriel just suggested, though the observation jolted her back to reality.] Ahaha, um- [She clicks it off REALLY FAST.]

((OOC: Cid = Italics, of course. You can call either one if you so choose~))


[AT SOME POINT LATER once the fluster has worn off, Yenyoji will be going around the village and hand delivering each and every one of them. And since this is Yenyoji, she is doing it by darting around the village and hiding when people approach like she's up to no good instead of... well, good. Though hiding with a pretty new blanket or two under each arm is a difficult endeavor, so she's likely not very successful.]

[If you're home, she may give up and just hand it to you unless she can find a way to sneak it into your place without you noticing. If you're not home, you'll find a brand new blanket that smells faintly of fish stew spread out nicely on your bed, or rolled up and placed on your table, both without any explanation whatsoever.]

[The cloth will be unceremoniously dumped inside the inn.]

c: karkat, .action, !ic, behold her mad skills, .video, c: link, c: melusine, c: cidriel, c: imaru, c: mayoi, c: souji

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