I : [Audio,Text, Video]

Nov 06, 2010 18:13

[There’s the sound of a lot of fiddling with the device by careless hands that have never had any experience with handling electronics, and finally a voice mutters to itself in a gentle drawl.] It doesn’t look like any relic I’ve ever seen before... Ohhh, runes!

[And the voice falls silent as she submits a rather plain text post:] A B C D E hello

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!ic, .audio, c: valeria, c: thanatos, .video, c: seth, .text, c: cidriel, c: angeal

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[video] steel_cyclone November 7 2010, 05:33:15 UTC
That's the text function, miss. [ Cid begins, being busy with preparing dinner for herself, and leftovers for her patrol. It's then that she looks closer at the device and the voice coming from it.

Those ears. ] You can use... it... to-- [ That fur...

It can't be.

It shouldn't be. ]

Y-Yen...? [ Her voice is quiet, and the shock is quite evident on her features. She's staring at the device as if she was seeing a ghost. The knife falls from her grip as she rushes to pick the communicator up. ] By the Goddess, what--? Why?


[video] elementalwheel November 7 2010, 05:42:21 UTC
[Looking back down at the sound of that ever-familiar voice. She offers her best and brightest (and toothiest) smile.] Oh, Cid! This is amazing, as though you were made tiny and put inside the device!

[Then again, Cidriel's reaction is not... normal. Yen's bright smile falters.] Are you tiny and inside the device?


[video] steel_cyclone November 7 2010, 05:53:51 UTC
[ She stumbles over her words a moment. ] W--

[ Despite the situation, she laughs briefly. ] No, that's not quite how these work. I'm... quite alright. [ Mostly. First things first. ] These work kind of like linkpearls, to make things simple. I'm in the town.... can you see the town from wherever you are?


[video] elementalwheel November 7 2010, 06:09:06 UTC
[She picks her head up to give the area another, more thorough glance. It's a short wait, and her ears perk as soon as she spots it in the distance.] Yes, I can! But I don't remember seeing a town on the map.

Too tiny?


[video] steel_cyclone November 7 2010, 06:14:36 UTC
[ It takes her a few moments to get Yen's meaning, to which she closes her eyes and groans. ] What map? What's the last thing you remember?

...you know what, hang on. What's next to you? I'll come your way, and then I can explain everything. [ Or try to. ]


[video] elementalwheel November 7 2010, 18:09:20 UTC
I'm sitting on a stone stair. [This is Yenyoji completely failing to take notice of the huge temple looming right behind her. Especially since that question perplexes her, and she reaches up to check her head for bumps. She doesn't remember taking a nap, but...]

We were entering the Spire of Dem. [And her face lights back up with excitement.] With all those monsters chasing us!


video] steel_cyclone November 7 2010, 18:25:18 UTC
[ Of course they were being chased by monsters. That doesn't really narrow things down. ] You must be in front of the temple. Look, whatever you do, don't take off the crown they gave you. [ ...Altana help if someone stole Yen's hat. They worked hard to get that, and she was so happy and-- ]

I'm on my way. [ And then a pause, as she prepares to switch off the device. Sheepishly. ] Um... are you hungry? [ Pans the camera down to the grilled sandwiches she had been working on, but one is a little burnt thanks to the distraction. ]


[video] elementalwheel November 7 2010, 18:33:19 UTC
[Yen turns around and looks at the building.] ...Huh. [Turning back to look at the device.] Oh, it was a present from someone? I wondered why I was wearing it...

[Leaning in to peer at the sandwiches more closely.] I could eat. I'm certainly not going to let anything you've cooked go to waste.


[video] > [action] steel_cyclone November 7 2010, 18:36:33 UTC
It is a special gift, and you should always keep it close. I will explain more shortly. [ And she smiles, though she won't let Yen eat the burned one. ] It won't be long.

[ With that, she gives a wave and logs out turns off the device, wraps up the sandwiches into some cloth, grabs her axe on the way out of the inn, and heads straight for the temple.

When she gets closer, she slows her pace down, just sort of stopping and staring for a moment. There's no way this is a trick... right? Something the fae cooked up because of the stories she had been telling in recent times? ]


[action] elementalwheel November 7 2010, 19:04:32 UTC
[Yenyoji at least found a way to keep herself busy for a while. She'd encased grass in tiny blocks of ice and began trying to build... something out of them. Eventually noticing Cid's presence, she smiles and immediately forgets her little project, bouncing to her feet and down the steps.] I'm sure the sandwiches aren't that bad.


steel_cyclone November 7 2010, 19:07:47 UTC
Hm? [ Cid snapped out of her daze, and gave a laugh. ] Of course not! Sandwiches aren't that hard to make, after all.

[ As a bit of a test, she approaches, but holds the wrapped package up, far out of the mithra's reach with a knowing smile. ] What's the magic word?


elementalwheel November 7 2010, 19:14:47 UTC
Thundaga! Bind! Warp! [Yen punctuates each word with a hop, grabbing at the sandwiches and failing miserably at overcoming the height. But she gives up quickly enough, cupping her gloved hands together.] ... Pleaaaaase.


steel_cyclone November 7 2010, 19:17:36 UTC
[ The exclamations bring forth a smile, then a giggle, then a full-on laugh. There's no way that this was some sort of trick; she was certain now.

Cid dropped the sandwiches with a "hup!" sound, and as soon as Yen caught them, she'll bow down to wrap her in a hug. Who cares if the food gets smooshed. ]


elementalwheel November 7 2010, 19:31:01 UTC
[Yen cares about the food's fate, but not enough to complain. Certainly not about a hug. She wriggles an arm free to return it, the other clutching the poor sandwich.] You feelin' okay?


steel_cyclone November 7 2010, 19:32:42 UTC
[ She brings a hand up to pat the back of Yen's head, but releases her soon enough. That is not mist in the corners of her eyes; it must be the light. ] Alright? I haven't seen hide nor fur of you in months...

And now you're trapped here, just like the rest of us. [ Oh, someone's going to answer for this. ]


elementalwheel November 7 2010, 19:44:04 UTC
Months? Trapped? [Yen furrows her eyebrows. Cid being upset is very disturbing, but she isn't exactly sure how to make it better. Mostly because she has no idea what's going on, aside from the fact that this is not Promyvion.]


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