I : [Audio,Text, Video]

Nov 06, 2010 18:13

[There’s the sound of a lot of fiddling with the device by careless hands that have never had any experience with handling electronics, and finally a voice mutters to itself in a gentle drawl.] It doesn’t look like any relic I’ve ever seen before... Ohhh, runes!

[And the voice falls silent as she submits a rather plain text post:] A B C D E hello

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!ic, .audio, c: valeria, c: thanatos, .video, c: seth, .text, c: cidriel, c: angeal

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[VIDEO] a_la_turk November 12 2010, 01:50:03 UTC

[ She inclines her head slightly forward, then checks it without ceremony. Under normal circumstances, there might be a cordial smile present upon her face, but she just can't seem to force it today, not when the ramifications of the tithe continue to weigh heavily on her mind despite the passing time. ]

My name is Valeria. I head the Watch, an organization composed of a group of individuals dedicated to the safety of their fellow residents here in Demeleier. Should you like more information about us, ask and I will answer.

[+TEXT] Regardess, I believe you'll find the following TEXT to be very helpful to you.


[VIDEO] elementalwheel November 12 2010, 03:59:00 UTC
Everyone is so helpful! It's like a little country town with a monster infestation!

[Pardon her while she skims this thing...] I'm not used to bein' scared and hiding from what I've never seen before. But, I guess if it makes everyone feel better, I'll get myself to the town. [But she will sigh dramatically.]


[VIDEO] a_la_turk November 12 2010, 04:42:55 UTC
[ The analogy makes her pause. Makes her smile, though it is a small one. ]

We would appreciate that very much, miss...?


[VIDEO] elementalwheel November 12 2010, 05:00:15 UTC
Yenyoji Quryoja. [Rubbing her nose.] Or just Yenyoji.

[She picks herself up, dusting off her pants before walking, still staring down at the communicator.] So, what happens if I'm alone and one of these fae catches me?


[VIDEO] i swear i'm a dunce today a_la_turk November 12 2010, 05:37:10 UTC
It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Yenyoji.

[ She pauses briefly. ]

Honestly, it depends on the fae. They're as varied as the people who find themselves here. Some play harmless tricks, such as leading individuals in circles around the forest and moving all the chairs from beneath the tables at the inn or while you're trying to sit down, whilst others can and will happily attempt to maim you or take your life.

Those I've had experience with don't seem to take damage from magic. Physical attacks are often just as useless. Many seem to possess superior strength and speed as well; though, we can't be certain of their healing rate. The only thing we've found that works against them is iron in pure form, but even that isn't a one hundred percent guarantee. Those it does affect seem to be adverse to touching it in any way, though.


[VIDEO] aw, it's okay! elementalwheel November 12 2010, 06:08:11 UTC
[She almost trips at the beginning of the sentence.] Magic and physical attacks don't work?!

That's not fair! Even ghosts can be banished if you annoy them with the elements enough. [She starts pouting at Valeria, as if she has control it.] They're cheating.


[VIDEO] a_la_turk November 12 2010, 06:26:20 UTC
[ She offers Yenyoji an apologetic smile. If she could turn the tides in favor of the residents, she surely would, but it's out of her hands. Sadly. ]

They are and it is annoying, but until we come up with an effective counter, we're just going to have to make due. Mind you, not all of them are impervious to damage by the elements or even to physical attacks, but walking blindly into a fight with a fae generally isn't a good idea. They have killed residents before and generally exhibit a marked resistance to our attacks, whatever their form.


[VIDEO] elementalwheel November 12 2010, 06:43:12 UTC
So that's how it's going to be. [Clenching her teeth. Yenyoji isn't expecting to handle a threat like this on her own, but not knowing the secret to their weaknesses beyond iron which doesn't even always work is annoying. In fact, she seems to be taking it very personally.]

Okay, Miss Watchperson, you can witness this for me: I have a grudge against the fae for being stupid cheaters and I will help find a way to get past their stupid cheating ways. It's official!


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