sherlock-flashfic goes live today!

Feb 21, 2011 10:01

sherlock_flashfic Goes live today over on Dreamwidth, and if you want to play, you can get an account at Dreamwidth this week without having to use an invite code. Also, the comm is being set up so that if you have absolutely no desire to get a Dreamwidth account, you can post anonyfic in the comments of the admin post that opens the challenge.

Despite the name, you're not limited to the BBC show. We'll take stories based on the 2009 movie, the Granada series, and, of course, Doyle's stories. Gen, het and slash are all welcome, and authors and artists tag their own work.

Go! Check it out! Join!

[who isn't at all biased, even though she's one of the mods]

  Ice On the St. Laurence by Jonathan Elias from American River (Rating: 0)
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