Remix is revealed!

May 30, 2010 17:13

This year, I wrote Mission Control (The Professor Angell Remix), which was based on chaletian's Don't Call him Alien Spawn! I've done the POV switch and the character switch and the go further in-depth kind of remixes, but until now, I hadn't done the turn-that-fluffy-bit-of-crack-into-a-horror-story kind of remix. If anyone has picked up on the reference in the title, they haven't mentioned it to me. It hasn't gotten a lot of hits, but I suspect that has to do with the warnings more than anything else. Either way, I had fun with it, and malnpudl was, as in past years, my beta reader.

The story of mine that was remixed was Out And About. gblvr wrote Out and About (The Queer and There Extended Mix), which was both a POV switch and a tweaking of the story to take into account some of what we learned during S5 of Supernatural.

Go, take a look at both, enjoy!

sga, remix

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