FIC: Choice, PG, Supernatural

Apr 18, 2010 11:52

Title: Choice
Author: elementalv
Rating: PG
Pairing: Gen
Spoilers/Notes: Post-ep for 5.18; nothing specific for the episode, but it does assume the reader has seen the episodes up through 5.18, because the story doesn’t make a lot of sense otherwise.
Summary: Cas knows there’s a trap, one that goes beyond the obvious, but he isn’t sure what it ( Read more... )

gen fic, spn

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Comments 8

laurie_ky April 18 2010, 16:31:22 UTC
I very much like the tone of this story. And it hurts to think that Cas sees himself as being sent to Hell, and that Dean killing him would be a sort of salvation for him. The garden as sanctuary was interesting, as was Joshua's part in the story.



elementalv April 18 2010, 16:45:34 UTC
Cas is in a really unhappy place right now. He's experiencing free will as if he were human, but he's not, and while he still has angelic mojo, it's starting to fade. He doesn't belong one place or the other, and that's a bad place to be no matter how righteous your cause or strong your convictions. It has to be even worse when your faith takes a double hit in a short period of time.


ruthless1 April 18 2010, 19:10:23 UTC
This was a really nice character study of Castiel. I like your take on him and his faith. Poor guy - he's been through the ringer with faith hasn't he?


elementalv April 18 2010, 19:11:47 UTC
Poor guy is getting screwed six ways to Sunday without the benefit of a reach-around *or* lube. He totally deserves to get Dean as a sex toy once the apocalypse ends.


ruthless1 April 18 2010, 20:33:21 UTC
Oh I second that!


elementalv April 18 2010, 20:35:02 UTC
And I'm pretty sure that even if he doesn't realize it, Cas has that whole sex-against-the-wall thing down cold.


earthseed_fic November 2 2010, 02:03:01 UTC
Cas is so perfect here, so hopeless and hopeful at the same time. I really enjoyed this.


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