FIC: Sacrifices, PG-13, SGA

Apr 26, 2009 17:47

Title: Sacrifices
Author: elementalv
Fandom: SGA
Pairing/Characters: John Sheppard, Carson Beckett, Rodney McKay
Rating: PG-13 for language
Disclaimer: Stargate: Atlantis and its characters are the property of MGM.
Prompt: Prompt 1225 - Stargate: Atlantis, John Sheppard. The one good thing his father had ever done for him was cover up his original gender and the surgery. With the Air Force’s policy against transgenders, he never would have gotten to fly without his help.
Summary: John has always been willing to pay the price for his career and to keep his people safe, but he’s just found the one price he’s not sure he can afford.
Author’s Notes: Written for lgbtfest. Huge thanks to sabinelagrande for handling the beta. The story itself is set in the second season, several months after the events of Trinity. 2,645 words.

( Sacrifices )

gen fic, sga

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