Answers to the question meme of yesterday

Jan 08, 2007 06:06

slawson01 -- What’s the point?

What’s the point of what? This meme? Your life? My life? The entirety of Dubya’s administration? Specifics, dude. I need specifics.

antennapedia -- What’s your favorite of your stories? What’s neat about it?

Evil question. Eeeeeeevil. I have several favorites, and some of them work for me, because they’re an unadorned slice of life in a specific time and place. In due South, that story is Lost; in Buffy, that story is Tripartite; in CSI, that story is Caldwell. At the same time I love the Key’s Watcher/Dark Haven stories, because I’ve done more work on them than anything else I’ve written. And I’m fond of Together At Last, because four years later, it still makes me giggle.

empressvesica -- Jello - plain, with fruit, with veg, with marshmallows or Ew, Jello sucks?

With fruit. Specifically, orange jello with slices of mandarin oranges, because you can never have too much orange in your life.

lawyergirl15 -- What is something illegal you would do if you were 100% certain you wouldn’t get caught or in any kind of trouble?

I might take a page from Annie Wilkes’s book (Misery) and force that bastard Whedon to retcon Serenity, because Wash! And Book!

houses7177 -- did you ever wear braces?

Nope. In fact, I’ve had very little dental trauma to speak of. The worst was when I was 16 and had all my fillings put in. And they’re still in place, 26 years later, possibly because my dentist at the time was fresh out of school and determined not to screw up. Took forever for the fillings to be packed in and finished, but they’re solid, according to my current dentist.

malnpudl -- How old was Benton Fraser the first time he had sex, and who was his partner, and which of them made the first move?

Most of the time, I love you. And then there are times like now. [sighs] You’re making me contemplate het out of some obscure revenge for that BSG thing, aren’t you? In my happy place, Fraser was 19, and it was a young woman he met while at The Depot, and she made the first move. In my realistic place, it was Victoria when he captured her, and she made the first move. I’m not fond of that bit of fanon, but it makes the most sense when considering the character, you know?

primroseburrows -- um, what’s the solution for pi?

Everything you ever wanted to know about pi.

uninvitedcat -- What?

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