FIC: Flashing, R, 1/1

Dec 01, 2006 06:55

Title: Flashing
Author: Tara Keezer
Rating: R
Fandom: BtVS
Notes: Written for the cya_ficathon, based on a request for post-S4 Xander/Spike with poodle mockery. Sadly, I only hit two out of three, so I apologize. The master list for Round 5 has links to all the stories, and I plan to browse through it soonish, now that I’m done with my own. And lastly, my ( Read more... )

fic, slash, btvs

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Comments 18

mireille719 December 1 2006, 15:19:58 UTC
Fun Xander-babble (well, mental babble, anyway, for at least two definitions of the word "mental" *g*), and I really enjoyed the snark.

(Typo-catch: Sixth paragraph, "He stared a Xander" instead of "at Xander.")


elementalv December 1 2006, 15:31:07 UTC
Xander-babble I can do. Spander? Not so much.

Thank you for the catch -- I've been staring at it for too long.


empressvesica December 1 2006, 20:36:18 UTC
*dies laughing* I think I have never loved Spike more than I do right now. That is so totally brilliant and I can see Spike laughing about it for days.


elementalv December 2 2006, 12:51:47 UTC
I can see Spike taunting him with it for years.


empressvesica December 2 2006, 12:57:30 UTC
*evil smile* Actually, I can see Spike years down the road still feeling particularly taunty every once in a while and standing a litle too close to Xander and staring at him a little too much just to watch him freak out. And now, in the cinema in my head, he's let Faith in on the joke and she's standing around in the background, trying not to choke on her beer as she laughs. :P

Also, after that epic "Do you/don't you read my fic" conversation - I had to read this one, thereby nullifying the conversation we just had. What can I say - I am contrary like that sometimes! :D


elementalv December 2 2006, 13:04:55 UTC
Also, after that epic "Do you/don't you read my fic" conversation - I had to read this one, thereby nullifying the conversation we just had. What can I say - I am contrary like that sometimes! :D

Twerp. :-P

Seriously I don't actually expect my flist to read my fic. It's nice when they do, but I figure we're mutually friended for other reasons.

As for Faith, I can actually see her and Spike ganging up on him one day, complete with Spike asking if Xander doesn't love him anymore while Faith swaggers up and proclaims Xander to be her bitch, not Spike's. Then the two of them would "fight" over the right to lay claim to Xander's ass, thus spreading the embarrassment even further.


Damn. That *would* be fun.


antennapedia December 1 2006, 20:39:32 UTC
That was excellent Xander-babble. I love X-b. I could read X-b all day, when it's truly Xanderish. And I love the interleaving trick, complete with punchline of Spike-ish non-interest.


elementalv December 2 2006, 12:53:27 UTC
Some of my favorite movie and television scenes involve that sort of interleaving -- screwball comedy at its best.

Glad you enjoyed!


secondalto December 1 2006, 21:44:53 UTC
*snort* Sometimes Xander is too easy. I echo the sentiment of great Xander babble, it's so hard to find good babble. And I almost wish Spike had followed through, but the trick was great too!


elementalv December 2 2006, 12:54:22 UTC
Easy Xander plus evil Spike equals fun times had by all, you know?


electricalgwen December 2 2006, 08:36:12 UTC
Spike’s voice was low and growly, but instead of making Xander’s hair stand on end, it was - no. It absolutely was not making anything else of his stand on end, because that would be evil.

Yay! This was my prompt, and y'know, I don't mind the lack of poodles at all. Not with pants-less, babbling Xander and smoldering Spike. :D

I really like the way you've interleaved Spike's words with Xander's rapidly churning thoughts. It gives us a great sense of how fast Xander's brain does babble! Spike's comment about Xander being "easy" is awesome, and I like how it not only evokes how easy he is to tease but also how easy it would be to seduce him - which I think Spike knows very well! ;)

And there are some great funny lines like a tree or a mausoleum or something equally vertical and impossible to move, and the kind of hickey that would announce to all and sundry that Xander Harris had been sucked hard - Oh god.

Wonder how Xander lost his pants in the first place??

Thanks very much for writing this, I enjoyed it!


elementalv December 2 2006, 12:57:59 UTC
Thanks very much for writing this, I enjoyed it!

I'm so relieved to hear that. I've never written Spike/Xander before, and I rarely write them at all, so this was a bigger challenge than I expected it to be. I can't tell you how much I worried that I would disappoint you, so YAY! I done good.


electricalgwen December 2 2006, 14:38:38 UTC
I definitely think you done good! And I read/write practically nothing but S/X - or occasionally, one of them with someone else - so... yay for you! :)

I signed up for this ficathon partly for the option to stretch what I do write, expecting to get an unfamiliar challenge... but I have to admit, I was rather relieved to be given an S/X prompt to write, since I ended up getting tied into a lot of deadlines recently and it was good to be on familiar ground. I was terrified someone would ask me to write Angel (who I find very difficult).


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