DRABBLE: Thinking

Aug 28, 2006 21:46

For airsucker, who gave me three words, “books,” “cats” and “scotch,” to help me back into a cheerier frame of writing mind. And, she told me, I was restricted to 100 words.

This is original fic (yay! copyright by me, woo-hoo!), and the character is unnamed for the moment, but I’m pretty sure I know who she is.

by Tara Keezer

She paused for a moment as she stood in the doorway and considered her options. The cats were fine, they always were, but the books were another problem entirely. A room with that many books couldn’t possibly be up to any good. There was no telling what they got up to in the night, when no one was around to hear their whispered rebellions.

There was, of course, the possibility of dousing the room with gasoline and setting everything in it on fire, but she wasn’t fond of permanent solutions along those lines. No. Thinking was needed. Thinking with scotch.

original fic

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