Fic writing meme, gakked from ctorres

Aug 25, 2006 06:54

Keyboard or hand writing?

Keyboard all the way, unless I’m desperate to get a scene on paper and can’t get at a keyboard. Handwriting is a problem for me, because my wrist just isn’t used to it anymore, so I end up stressing it and aggravating my carpal nerve.

Beta or no beta?

Um, yes? I prefer to have a beta before posting, though I’ll admit to impatience at times.


Always. I can’t even write a scene without knowing what’s going on in the background. Even drabbles have backstory, and the porn? It always has a reason. PWP is beyond my capabilities.


I usually have a working title and then find something more appropriate for posting. Makes it fun later on, when I’m trying to remember what the hell missingfraser.doc or anne.doc ended up being named for posting.

Smushy or smutty?

Both, though I’m not really a smushy kind of writer.


I don’t usually have a problem writing them, though if I can’t come up with something, I’ll use my favorite line from the fic.

Funniest fic?

Together At Last still makes me chortle, three and a half years later. It’s the only Xander/Buffy story I’ve ever written (or will write), and it was my first NC-17 fic. Heh. Come to think of it, it was also the first fic that got nominated for anything.

Most popular fic?

Stupid Portal gets the most recs, and of all my stories, it’s the one that still gets feedback, three years out. However, The Key’s Watcher/Dark Haven stories are a close second in terms of popularity.

Most fun to write?

The Key’s Watcher/Dark Haven - I love torturing Giles.

Best and Worst?

Worst: October on the Hellmouth, and no, I won’t give you a link. Trust me on this one.

Best: I think Oliver Wants is going into this slot for now. It’s short, but I think it packs a hell of a punch. Warnings: slash, non-consensual.

Coulda been Contenders?

The hell? What does this mean?


Dialogue and plotting, I think.


I tend not to add description when I should, and I have an unfortunate habit of assuming the reader can read my mind and know what I meant.

Dirty Little Secrets?

I was 10,000 words into Stupid Portal before I got an inkling of where I was going with it, and it wasn’t until 25,000 words before the plot finally gelled. The back end is better than the front end, and I still can’t figure out why people stick with it through the first few chapters.
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